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The Book

Image by Alexander Kunze

Finding Superhero In Havana (2021)

A Memoir

Finding Superhero in Havana follows a narrative of two distinct time periods, before January 1, 1959 (Cuba) and after January 1, 1959 (exile). It is a twenty-one year span of a young life which includes dozens of “moments in time” lived during the “ten most relevant days” in his life. The most important day begins at noon, December 31, 1958 and ends at midnight, January 1, 1959. He was 12 years old. Child psychology, critical thinking, sports and family matter most during his early years. Later, as new challenges emerge, Orlando learns to adapt to new expectations. He escapes from Cuba and arrives in his new world, the US, and then Spain, as a Cuban exile. Research into the why and how the child became an adult, fill the pages of his memoir. Religious teachings at his catholic school, La Salle, in Havana, and spiritual guidance from his mother, mold his personality as he grows toward adolescence and adulthood.

Finding Superhero In Havana

The true memoirs of a young boy growing up in Cuba before his country suffered the consequences of a communist takeover. Then, his whole life is turned upside down as his parents migrate to a new country with a new language and culture.
He seeks refuge in his mind conversing with God, and deceased relatives to guide him in his new life.
Author Dr. Orlando Garcia-Piedra has done a wonderful job in recounting his trials, tribulations and finally success, as he grew from adolescence to adulthood in Finding Superheroes in Havana. It's an inspirational story that will bring both tears and joy to your heart.
I highly recommend the book.

Owen Parr

Such an amazing tale about a young boy who like so many others, was forced to leave everything behind in Cuba when Castro took over. Once I picked it up, I was glued until the very last page! A must read!

Maya Unger

Praise & Reviews

A memoir written from the heart about his childhood and his amazing family in 1950's Cuba that taught him values, love and courage. The experience of leaving his country at a very young age and the challenges of his new life is an inspiration to all. An amazing introspect of his personality from a child to a teenager opens a new perspective to know the human mind. Easy and fun to read with many great fun stories.

Maria Gomez

A very meaningful and impacting narrative during a complex period in Cuba. Describes a personal and internal voyage through the turmoil of the time as seen by a child developing into a young man. I completely recommend this book.

Norma Vgr

Dr. Garcia, I just finished your book!! Congratulations!! What an enormous feat. You should be very proud for what you accomplished. It’s a beautiful book and a loving testament to your life and the life of your family. This will be a treasure for them to have forever. It was a treasure to read and made me understand more about my father’s experience as well. My dad can barely speak these days, so I felt particularly moved by the fact that you shared your voice. It’s a brave and beautiful thing to do. Anyway- I sent a screenshot of the Amazon review that I gave. And I’m inspired to keep up my own writing. Congratulations and thank you and wow!!           

Maylen Dominguez

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